Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Fast1 Food - Matt Waples - Revision #3

Thanks a bunch for the comments guys. I see where all of you are coming from with leaving the bar and soap thing in. As my roomate put it, "You shot it in a bathroom, so it should look like a bathroom."But with the bar in (Locrin pointed this out), my eye was constantly being led off of the image. Also with taking out the bar, the soap thing felt out of place, and also ended up leading my eye out of the frame in the end.

After an hour or two of not being happy with what I was ending up with, I went back to the original and tried to flip it. I believe that the reversed image works much better than both my first and second revisions. Now instead of the bar and soap thing leading my eye out of the frame, it pushes my eye back down to her when my eye looks up at it. Also, I prefer the dark wall on the right side, and the light wall on the left side, as the dark wall seems to hold my eye inside the image.

Also, the tattoo looked really awkward backwards, so its gone. And Paige, it reads "a prayer for the wild"!

I'm open to any more suggestions or comments, but I feel as if I am either very close, or at my final image!


  1. I dig it, im looking forward to seeing the comparison to the 4x5 scans
    - Erich Deleeuw

  2. Yeah I think it works better and I agree with the dark wall holding you in the frame. Nice job.

    - Jordynn Colosi

  3. Technically I think it works but what hasn't changed for me throughout your revisions is that I am totally missing the connection between the bathroom setting, McDonald's, and the way the woman is engaging with the food itself. I'm curious to know, is it simply about gluttony? Is it about the ecstasy the woman is feeling by overdosing on big mac's? I also read a bit of the stereotype around hysterical femininity in the image. I'd love to know more of your process around constructing the photograph.

  4. Hey Chelsey, this image has two parts to it in my mind.

    The first of which being the simple play on words with the term Fast Food. By changing out the definitions I saw an opportunity to create something quite different, with almost a "food porn"-esque feel to it. Yes an uncomfortable subject, but I think that the uncomfort this scene created was essential for showing my final point.

    The second being the obsession that we as a people have with fast food chains, like McDonalds.

    With both of these ideas in mind, I wanted to create an image that could portray that disgusting pleasure that we all get from giving in to our obsession and eating that second McDonalds cheeseburger.

    The bathroom was just an aesthetic choice for the location of the image. I wanted it to be somewhere very inpersonal where the focus wouldn't be on what is around the model, but instead on the model and her interactions with the food.

    My apologies for leaving out much of an explanation when I posted the image. I was having a bit of trouble getting my ideas into words.

    Any thoughts?

  5. Really like the flip a lot better! I agree with the bar leading you in... but i'm still not a big fan of the soap thing... guess it just comes down to whatever you like best since clearly we all have very different opinions on it :)

  6. "Food porn-esque", I want to see her feet then. Her whole body should be engaged. Pull away and give some space around her, put her feet on the edge of the tub with a pickle and ketchup sliding off her ankle. Push the erotic essence a little more if you can. The photo is right on the verge of having all the elements come together just right. Good work.

  7. Geo

    Id smoke a joint with her. its an awesome concept. me thinks after the partake and the munchies set in and the beauty of a wonderful time.
