Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Jordynn Colosi- Fast Food- Theme #1

Hey Everyone,

             For this assignment I decided to interrupt it a little differently. I actually looked up a McDonald’s “Nutrition” chart and was surprised to read that the highest numbers were not how many calories were being consumed, but, actually how much salt was! Fast food is laced with too many preservatives to count and processed until its pretty much no longer food. I decided to focus on these two thing: salt and the over-processing. In the true style of, arguably, the king of mass production, Andy Warhol himself, I photographed the amount of salt that is in a #2 Combo at McDonald’s than attempted to over-process them afterwards. I’m going to post a few other versions shortly. Feedback would be really great! Thanks!

- Jordynn Colosi

- PS. Incase anyone was curious, there is 1740mg of salt in a #2 Combo at McDonald’s if you order a Diet Coke. Your daily salt intake is around 2400mg. Salt leads to all sorts of nasty diseases that I wouldn’t want to deal with. Ick.


  1. Very cool idea! I love that its pop art! Its cool that you made something as simple as salt look interesting.
    - Alycia

  2. Geo

    I love the different and Unique approach you took to get this. Very ingenious.

  3. So cool! Very creative, Jordynn. I like that it pays tribute to pop art.
    -Katii Capern

  4. Very interesting way of going about the theme, different from the others I've seen. I think it works really well. Maybe play with the bordering, try spaces in between the photos. But overall, I think it's pretty good.

    - Lucy

  5. Jordynn

    I like how you are approaching this but I think, at this point, there is too much going on. I would choose one or the other (the salt or the processing). I'm more interested in the salt because the Andy Warhol thing has been done to death (it's a template offered in mac photo booth). I would play with the salt idea...perhaps even play with representational ideas. Look at Vik Muniz' work...especially his sugar babies.

