Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Katii Capern, Theme #1, Fast Food

Hey guys! So, I wanted to shoot a "McFormal" - getting all dolled up and...going to McDonald's. I've still got things I'd like to work on, but please give me any feedback/ideas! Much appreciated. Also, thoughts on which one to pick?


  1. P.S. my computer isn't formatting Blogger properly on my screen for some reason (I can't see some people's posts!) so if anything's screwed up...I'm working on it; having issues and I don't know why my computer isn't happy :P

  2. I like your first one better i think, more of a story with the looks on the girls faces (especially with the one that's looking away) Great lighting & i think your idea is cool too!

  3. I like the second image the best. I feel like ALL the characters are involved in the story as opposed to the first image where I feel like the story is just about the one girl looking away and everyone else in the image falls flat. Everyone in this image is doing something different so it gives your eye more to look at.

    - Jordynn Colosi

  4. I like the cropping on the first a lot better. It helps you focus on the girls more than the atmosphere and isn't distracting to the eye. _giordie

  5. I do like the concept of this image, but I feel like this image would work better if it were simplified. There's a lot going on that is competing for my eye's attention.

    - Lo

  6. The look on each girls face and/or the action they are doing in the first image is completely engaging. I like the idea of four girls (friends we presume) all dressed-up and out together, but no one is paying any attention to each other.
    I agree that there is a lot going on in the image though, and some distracting elements & patterns could be resolved...for example, the picture frame in the background. i don't think it's an issue that it's there, but is perhaps too brightly coloured? or too sharply in focus? not sure.
    Nice idea!
    -Claire H

  7. Thanks everyone!! Good ideas :)

  8. Katii

    I think you need to push the formal aspect more...right now they look like women I see at McDonald's all of the time....especially on a Saturday night after the bars have closed. The women should probably look more conservative and formal.

