Monday, 30 January 2012

Meabh McGrory - Theme 1 - Fast Food

So this is mine guys :) hope you like it. please comment! having trouble deciding which one to choose for wednesday


  1. I really really like these photos! I think they're awesome! I think the first one better, where she's standing. I think the second one has too much white space at the top. I really like the lighting as well.
    -Amanda Woolley

  2. The one of her standing is for sure my favourite, I'm glad you followed through with this idea it turned out amazing dude, i keep looking at them i really like the lighting, sooo interesting im jealous!

    -Hayley Buckham

  3. thank you guys!! really appreciate it !.. how do you think the un-cropped standing one compares to the cropped one above?.. just wondering

  4. - sorry that was from me... Meabh McGrory

  5. I definitely like the first image better the second; the one where she is standing up. I saw your cropped version that is posted on here as well and would agree in cropping it but I think you did just a little too much. I would only crop out a little bit of the tub on the bottom so we can still see her leg and bent knee. Neato concept.

    - Jordynn Colosi

  6. Looks wicked Meabh!!! I agree I like the top one better as I find it fills the canvas a lot better, only thing thats kind of bugging me is the blue cast at the top of the photo but a quick fix in photoshop. Love it tho! so sweet!

  7. ps i like the uncropped version better!

  8. They both look pretty awesome, the lighting is so good! I like the first one better, and the second one I like the fact that the rice krispies box is showing clearly. I'd just crop a little bit off the top, not as much as the one you posted. Either way, you can definitely work with both of these. Good job!

    - Lucy

  9. Looks Great!!
    i might try and get rid of some of the fold lines, But i really like it!!

    Kaitie Johannesen

  10. Meabh, you've done it again! These look awesome.
    Although I am going to disagree with everyone about which photo I prefer. I say go for the bottom one all the way. They are both good images but I think the shot of her sitting in the tub better embodies the theme as it emphasizes the cereal box instead of showcasing the models (rockin') body. Both images have a sexy quality to them but I think the second has the perfect mix of goofy and sexy whereas the first is all tits and no giggles. You could still play around with the crop a little bit and see what it looks like if you get rid of that blue cast at the top that Bre pointed out.

    P.S This is way better than me stuffing my face with McDonalds. Waaaaay better.

  11. thankss Paige! i was kind of preferring the bottom one too, we shall see :) woooohoooo

  12. Very very cool looking execution. I like the first better for sure. Everything about the photo is well thought out except the box on her head. The whole idea is so extra and it works but the box takes it over the top (pun intended) ((if that is even a pun)). If the model was simply looking away out the window, or had something less cumbersome on her head it may resolve. Either way real dope.

  13. thanks!, but i think if i shot it without the box, it may just look like she has a strange skin disorder haha.. and i think the box helps carrie across the point of the subject.. (fast food)

  14. I personally prefer the bottom image for the same reason as Paige. Excellent.

  15. Love them both. Mannn I was going to say I prefer the first because it makes me think of ancient sculptures etc in her strong pose, but after reading Paige's reasons I'm not sure! haha I guess composition wise the first has the model very centred which sort of bugs me a bit...soooo for that and Paige's argument I have converted to the bottom one. And the blue cast thing which I didn't notice til I saw Bre's comment! But still both great shots :) Alex Gooding

  16. thanks for your feed back guys! really helpful, i fixed up the blue cast, as well as the many creases in the curtains... (i just haven't posted them), but still SUPER confused D: we shall see!
    thanks again guys!
    -Meabh McGrory

  17. Hi Meabh

    It's evident that a lot of work went into the photograph, which is great. I'm not sure I fully understand it.....does she just really really really love cereal?

