Wednesday 11 April 2012

Bye bye blog.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Joseph Hammond - Photo # 4 - High School

This is Joy! She's in first year film and I've been working on some of her film sets this year. She's done a great job as a director, she's extremly professional and a blast to work with. We went to the same high school together and I asked to shoot  her as I remembered her from that time, as a dancer dancing on the school grounds.

S-W Novety


Alex- High School Redo

Better? Hope so, because I'm about to go print it ha.

Monday 9 April 2012

High School Re Shoot - Jessica Benoit

I kinda switched my idea around a bit for this one. It still has to do with the same story as before but since my younger siblings are too far away to photograph, I used my older sister. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and after almost losing her in my grade 12 year, (the reason for the family emergency mentioned before) our relationship has become even more important to me. I also put in the other photos of a high school in a small town I visited recently. It reminded me of my hometown and the countless Friday nights my friends and I spent watching our high school football games. Anyways, I couldn't really decide which layout I like better so advice would be appreciated:) Thanks!

Paul Swanson - Novelty

I want to use this photograph as an allegory examining what we see novelty to be and how we construct our understanding of reality through its definition. Novelty can be defined as the quality of being new, original, and even unusual. So knowing this now, what constitutes a novelty? Is it the first time you encounter an emotion never felt before, see something new, or hear a song for the first time? Could every day be a novelty? We approach each day with a new vivacity, eager to learn and challenge ourselves; to grow. And like that unusual thing that we all have encountered, whatever it may be, do we not come to try and understand it, much like every day we reflect on what we have done? Reality, in its purest form, might be a novelty in and of itself.

Alison Irwin, Family Redo

Redo on Top, original on bottom. let me know what you think.