Sunday, 1 April 2012

Alex Gooding Novelty Theme #5 UPDATE

Okay dokay.  So yet another update on my Novelty theme.  I experimented with multiple frames as I really liked the way my first three looked when they appeared one on top of the other on the blog here.  So I've done four options.  If you like one in particular, or would maybe like fewer photos let me know.  It started off being the 'novel+tea" idea but after Robyn said to reshoot without this is what I've got.  And I guess in it's weird way it looks sort of like the story of getting into an unmade bed, eventually falling asleep and then waking up to leave the bed unmade again.....which (as ashamed as I am to say it) is not unusual for me nowadays.  Let me know what you think.


  1. I love the second and fourth set of images, the most. I feel like for these photographs, those layouts work the best. What I love about the groups of images is that they all have some sort of static familiarity, but the first image in each set sort of lacks in that 'match'ing style. Although each picture works, I think as a whole they might be stronger if your first and last image had a more similar viewpoint. Does that make any sense? sort of like its four of the same images with very slight differences (empty bed, eyes open, eyes shut, messy empty bed).

    Rebecca Turner

  2. I understand what you mean Becky! haha i'll ask you tmrw in visual studies and show you the previous post which had other shots of the bed. Thanks for the feedback! :) Alex G
