Wednesday 4 April 2012

Rebecca Turner - High School - redo

On the surface, my high school experience was amazing.
At the same time, I spent each day in a constant battle with myself. 
We've all hidden something, but when it's everything, it gets exhausting.

Ideas ? Alterations ? Issues ? Thanks .
Yes, it's a wig


  1. I see where your going with this idea
    but a lot of things seem a bit odd to me
    you look a bit like your glowing? not sure if its masking
    and your arm looks a bit distorted on the right image
    I don't really understand why its coming out of the frame
    i like the old fashion look and the colour though!

  2. I agree. the masking is a bit of an issue on full-size view; and the arm out of the frame is weird to me as well. maybe try making it a diptych? and having that white and dark pink/mauve-y border come down the inside to make it too images? and keep that arm inside the oval frame?

    hope that makes sense :S
    Alex G
