Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Geo_Fast Food
Hmm... okay so here is my image. No re-shoots. Were do I start? Well here goes. This image comes my dislike of right wing politics, religion, and the how fast food is in relation to the consumption of lies. How we as a society take it all in with out regard for the truth. bla bla bla. yea, yea... the masturbation of truth. Fast food in this day and age in my personal opinion, is devoured, leaving us over weight and not able to move, crippling our freedoms that our Fore-Fathers & veterans have fought for.  It sickens me. seriously... The modern decline of western civilization has been going down this road for a long time coming now, in relation to this, is what I see. The Overweight Right Wing & Religious Nut jobs feeding us, and thus we become them. Overweight and feeding it to our children. and the cycle keeps going on. Critique away.

Katii Capern, Theme #1, Fast Food

Hey guys! So, I wanted to shoot a "McFormal" - getting all dolled up and...going to McDonald's. I've still got things I'd like to work on, but please give me any feedback/ideas! Much appreciated. Also, thoughts on which one to pick?

Christine Johnston -Mc blend consiting of a whole happy meal!

Jordynn Colosi- Fast Food- Theme #1

Hey Everyone,

             For this assignment I decided to interrupt it a little differently. I actually looked up a McDonald’s “Nutrition” chart and was surprised to read that the highest numbers were not how many calories were being consumed, but, actually how much salt was! Fast food is laced with too many preservatives to count and processed until its pretty much no longer food. I decided to focus on these two thing: salt and the over-processing. In the true style of, arguably, the king of mass production, Andy Warhol himself, I photographed the amount of salt that is in a #2 Combo at McDonald’s than attempted to over-process them afterwards. I’m going to post a few other versions shortly. Feedback would be really great! Thanks!

- Jordynn Colosi

- PS. Incase anyone was curious, there is 1740mg of salt in a #2 Combo at McDonald’s if you order a Diet Coke. Your daily salt intake is around 2400mg. Salt leads to all sorts of nasty diseases that I wouldn’t want to deal with. Ick.

Alison Irwin- Fast Food

Two separate photos. Please let me know what you think, went with a whole new idea with this one. Indulgence in the first one, & too pretty to eat in the second.

Jessica Benoit - Theme 1

Yurisa Clarke Fast food


I took this photograph at a little place called Sardinha's near where I live. I walk past it every day to and from the subway but went in for the first time last night to take this picture...And to eat some BBQ chicken. Where I'm from there isn't much variety when it comes to fast food- Ali Baba's is the name of a pizza joint and the first and only shawarma place opened a year ago. I've loved looking at (if not eating) all the different types of food that is available in a city of 4 million.

Miss Fluffy Souffle

My Friend Fluffy
by Chelsey Lichtawoman
Week 1

Alex Gooding - Theme 1 - Fast Food

So I wanted to make the food look super icky and gross to emphasize the crap it does to our bodies health-wise...buuuuut....it sort of just went a different direction.  I  guess it's gross in the amount of ketchup and the fact that I poured the coke into the fries.......soo given the twisted path the shoot took, the story is now that it was a late, post-party run to somewhere for fast food, and the drunken person(s) were so out of it that they thought pouring the coke into the fries with mounds of ketchup would be delicious.  This emphasized by the rather chaotic background with discarded napkins, drink lid, etc. Let me know what you think - sort of on the edge between the two different orientations and crops.  Feedback in any way would be welcome!

Theme #1: Fast Food - Alycia Kosonic

Hey guys! Just wanted to do something simple with mine and this is what I ended up with. Not sure which one I like better though. Feedback would be appreciated :)

Amber Hartin - Fast Food

Basically I'm just trying to show the dual nature of fast food, both appealing and repulsive. I felt the best way to do this was to give a generally unbiased image of them but isolating them from any real context.  I'm not really finished with the idea yet. My intention is to maybe include more items but I'm not sure yet. What do ya'll think? I do realize I need to tone down some of the highlights.

Fern Kachuck, Theme #1 - Fast Food

Chokay, sooo here are my two that I need help deciding between.. So please lemme know what y'all think and all that.
Bassiiccalllyy, the whole premise behind it is that its all artificial (the food in the picture, the background, the lighting...), much like what you are putting into your body when you eat fast food and what not.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Kristina Smith - Fast Food

I'm trying to represent an old fashioned diner kind of style in my photo with the background pattern and colours.  The idea is that the coupons are framed and important, relating to how today people do lots of things to save money, one being use coupons on already cheap fast food. Thoughts & the like are welcome. 


Ok, so with the comments from the first image (^^^^above^^^^) I've fixed a few things .. here are the new photos, I think I'm not leaning towards the one with less of a crop (the first one below) .
I'm not one hundred percent sure though .
(things I changed: I fixed a little bit of distortion in the frame, de-saturated just a tinytiny bit, and there is a different crop)
Thoughts are welcome again .

Alison Irwin

With the first one I tried to show what the food really looks like versus what they show in advertisements and such (since in ads burgers are shown as very clean cut and no mess, in other words extremely appetizing and this is not what you get when you order). Then with the second one I was intrigued by the blank stare. This is showing that eating fast food is mindless, in the sense that if you are in a hurry the last thing you want to do is wait for food and you don't think about what it does to you. Please let me know what you think, up in the air on these.

Bre Elbourn - FAST FOOD 1

Fast Food - Breanne Elbourn

Hey guys, so for my fast food I decided to walk up Yonge Street and take a photo of every fast food joint I passed (until I ran out of film/got cold). I went from Gould to just past Bloor in hopes of emphasizing how fast food over-populates our world. I classified basically any joint that you don't sit down and get served as fast food, using my Fujifilm Instax camera to highlight fast food being "instant".

Need feedback on what background you guys like best! As well, I was wanting to put the address underneath each place but wanted some feedback as to whether people think I should write just the number ex. "110" or the number and the street name ex. "110 Yonge St.". I've also considered taking a few out that aren't clear as to what they are... Let me know what you guys think! &What I can improve on/change! Thanks!

Fast Food - Locrin Stewart

This was my first attempt, I'm unsatisfied with it, but feedback would be appreciated. It seems that with all the fast food (and general unhealthy junk) we put in our systems, we may as well just clean our dishes with it as well. There'll be a different one coming later, as I'll probably dump this idea because it just isn't quite there for me, but it's a first thought.

Meabh McGrory - fast food

OR this one.. just a closer crop.. not sure yet tho :/

Meabh McGrory - Theme 1 - Fast Food

So this is mine guys :) hope you like it. please comment! having trouble deciding which one to choose for wednesday

Hayley Buckham - theme one - Fast Food

With the help of bre (: I was able to fix the corner, hope this is a step up!

Hey buds and studs, I finished shooting my fast food. My concept is pretty self explanatory seeing as he is smoking a fry, which seems odd and nobody in the real world does this but in the grand scheme of things if a smoker were to eat fast food as much as they smoked there would be a comparison in health issues. So overall smoking is bad for you and so is fast food. Fast food can also become a bad habit as does smoking. Anywho i'll stop rambling and comments would be just swell so please share your thoughts! Later days.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Abby Klages - Fast Food - Theme #1

Hey everyone,
This is mine. I couldn't decide on black and white or colour, so I have posted both. Let me know what you think.

- Abby Klages

(Here it is with the fork removed)

Friday, 27 January 2012

S-W fastest foods

Hey all, here's mine. Lemme know how it makes you feel.

Andrew S-W

Kailee Mandel fast food take 1

I was trying to convey "fast food" by the food being "fast" get it get it? I think my idea kinda failed, but I'd still like to know your opinions, oh and I haven't edited besides crop...


Thursday, 26 January 2012

Lucy Lu - Theme 1: Fast Food

My take on fast food is depicting the moment after the "magic" of indulgence. Fast food, along with many other things, are a way of comfort and enjoyment that is only momentary, but ultimately hurts you more than it helps you. Here, people are shown to realize that hurt; feeling a sense of deception, and guilt. I'm not too sure which one I like more out of these two, each has their charm.  
I also tried removing the person as the main subject, as seen below. Though, I feel this photo offers a different message, more direct about the harmful aspects of fast food. I'm gravitating towards the other concept, but I still like the aesthetics of this one. Anyway, comments and suggestions on all three photos would be greatly appreciated! Which one is your favourite? :)

UPDATE 02/28/12: Diptych? I like it :)

Ashley Yang, Topic #1, FAST FOOD

gourmet food in just 2 and half minutes.
helpful advice needed.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Fast1 Food - Matt Waples - Revision #3

Thanks a bunch for the comments guys. I see where all of you are coming from with leaving the bar and soap thing in. As my roomate put it, "You shot it in a bathroom, so it should look like a bathroom."But with the bar in (Locrin pointed this out), my eye was constantly being led off of the image. Also with taking out the bar, the soap thing felt out of place, and also ended up leading my eye out of the frame in the end.

After an hour or two of not being happy with what I was ending up with, I went back to the original and tried to flip it. I believe that the reversed image works much better than both my first and second revisions. Now instead of the bar and soap thing leading my eye out of the frame, it pushes my eye back down to her when my eye looks up at it. Also, I prefer the dark wall on the right side, and the light wall on the left side, as the dark wall seems to hold my eye inside the image.

Also, the tattoo looked really awkward backwards, so its gone. And Paige, it reads "a prayer for the wild"!

I'm open to any more suggestions or comments, but I feel as if I am either very close, or at my final image!

Erich Deleeuw - Fast Food

let me know what you think!

Amanda Woolley, Theme #1 Fast Food

Are we eating the fast food or is the fast food eating us.

Any comments or suggestions would be great, thanks!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Fast1 Food. - Matt Waples - Revision #1

Hey Guys,

Alright, so I took out those distracting elements, re-cropped, and changed the colours around a bit, and overall I am really happy with the changes, I think the image is cleaner now, and visually works better. What do you guys think, better, worse? Think I should have left anything? Any photoshop mess ups I'm missing? Any other suggestions?


Giordana Vescio - Fast Food

So I would love some feedback on

A) what I could fix/change
B) which one you guys prefer

Thanks in advance :)
Giordana Vescio

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Rebecca Turner - Fast Food

Because death is just as convenient.
Any suggestions are seriously appreciated ! 

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Fast1 Food. - Matt Waples

Fast1 Food.

1Fast; Adj; (Defined by http://dictionary.reference.com/)
5 “Characterized by unrestrained conduct or lack of moral conventions, especially in sexual relations.”