Monday 30 January 2012

Alison Irwin

With the first one I tried to show what the food really looks like versus what they show in advertisements and such (since in ads burgers are shown as very clean cut and no mess, in other words extremely appetizing and this is not what you get when you order). Then with the second one I was intrigued by the blank stare. This is showing that eating fast food is mindless, in the sense that if you are in a hurry the last thing you want to do is wait for food and you don't think about what it does to you. Please let me know what you think, up in the air on these.


  1. Hey Alison
    Love the 2nd shot. Not sure it works as a diptych though. I don't think the first shot of the burger does anything for the shot of the guy. I love his expression and how you captured him. My only comment is that the lines of the window are not straight which throws off your eye a bit. but i really love this shot.

  2. The look of this shot is pretty funny, he looks really unimpressed and mildly startled. It might have been funny to see the "fast food" represented in a fast way. Same photo, but his last bite of the combo he just ate way too quick, looking sick.

  3. I like the look of the first one, it's gross and awesome but in the second one I find the background really distracting in that the two windows are not equal on either side of his head, the blank stare I really like as well but other then the spacing in the second good job ma lady!
    -Hayley Buckham

  4. I think if you're going to use the second one, you should clean up the setting a bit. Be aware of what you want or don't want in the photo. The first photo is blurry, just make sure it's crisp and really emphasize the grossness.

    - Lucy Lu

  5. Hi Alison

    Both compositions are a bit weak at this point. The windows are quite distracting. The concept for the close up really only works if it has a comparison. Not sure they work as a diptych. The second is just a portrait but needs to be further resolved.

