Sunday 22 January 2012

Fast1 Food. - Matt Waples - Revision #1

Hey Guys,

Alright, so I took out those distracting elements, re-cropped, and changed the colours around a bit, and overall I am really happy with the changes, I think the image is cleaner now, and visually works better. What do you guys think, better, worse? Think I should have left anything? Any photoshop mess ups I'm missing? Any other suggestions?



  1. Nice :)
    although they were little details, i makes quite a difference !
    -Meabh McGrory

  2. Definitely like the slight change in colour, it's a bit brighter now which works for me as well as the crop at the bottom. However, I do personally miss the handle (?) or whatever that silver thing is and the soap holder. I think it's an element that helps to move your eye around the composition a bit more, and makes it more interesting to me. Looks pretty good overall though, nicely done. -Amber Hartin

  3. I agree with Amber. I don't miss the silver thing but I feel like the soap holder helped keep your eye from falling out of the frame. Now that its lighter as well, my has the tendency to fall off on that side of the image. Maybe just bring the soap holder back?

    - Jordynn Colosi

  4. Bring back the distractions! I think that if you choose to take a photo in a bathroom you want it to look like the photo was taken in a bathroom. I would be interested to see what it would look like with just the soap holder but ultimately I think the "elderly assistance bar"(for lack of a better name) complements the image nicely. Also, I liked the tattoo. I can't quite make out what it says (is it possible to make it sharper?) but I see that the last word is "wild" which ties in with the definition of "fast" that you chose to portray. It might say "mild" but I am not wearing my glasses. I do agree with Amanda that the bit of red and yellow beneath her right thigh was jarring. Sweet job though Matt- and way to be on top of things. I'm going to take my picture soon. Reeeaaaallll sooon.

  5. One more thing: I think if you found a middle ground between the first image and the second image in terms of colour temp/tones that might be good. Her skin looks a little cool to me. I hope this is helpful!

  6. I think the tattoo in the other one was nice, but I have to disagree about the "elderly assistance bar" as Paige so gracefully put it. I felt that that led my eye out of the frame too easily, a lot of that had to do with the fact that it was silver and therefore looked out of place compared to the existing pallet. Overall, I think that the changes were good, but agree with Paige that a middle ground between this and the first image could be just what it needs.

    Locrin Stewart

  7. If you don't want to bring back either the soap thing or elderly assistance bar, then maybe try cropping down the top of the image so the focus is more on the model and the viewer isn't so distracted / lead out of the frame by all the white? Really good job though! - Giordana Vescio

  8. This photo was lit really nicely, it seems like you cooled it down a bit, which I like a lot more. I don't think you need the added distractions, for an odd reason just the plain tile gives it it more of an "expensive" look, which is a good contrast to the messy girl

    good job!

    Kailee Mandel

  9. Awesome photo, Matt! I like the colour temperature adjustments, and I agree with Locrin that the "elderly assistance bar" led my eye out of the photo, so nice changes. The tattoo did fascinate me, though - I wouldn't mind seeing that again. Great work!

    Katii Capern

  10. Great job on the revision!! I think it looks SO much better! I can focus on her without that annoying towel/hand rail :) props for taking the crit and working on it! Think it's awesome :) Alex Gooding
