Monday 30 January 2012

Fast Food - Locrin Stewart

This was my first attempt, I'm unsatisfied with it, but feedback would be appreciated. It seems that with all the fast food (and general unhealthy junk) we put in our systems, we may as well just clean our dishes with it as well. There'll be a different one coming later, as I'll probably dump this idea because it just isn't quite there for me, but it's a first thought.


  1. Hey there, your concept is very clever, I like it! I think maybe the composition of this photo could be fixed in a way where we can see more of the patty. I understand if the goal is to be subtle, but I feel like my eyes are way too drawn to the yellows in this image, and her colourful shirt. I wonder about the mysterious yellowness under the patty? Perhaps zoom out a little or have a bit more than just overhead lighting; it feels a little cropped and dark. Good start :)

    - Yi (Lucy)

  2. The concept is dull in a good way but the lighting is dull in a bad way. Ya feel meh? Maybe pull away from the subject a bit or get closer, it feels like you're wavering in between.

  3. I agree with volpe, I'd say up the brightness of the pic to make it look like the type of "clean and bright" house a person in that era would live in. It would make the picture a bit more gimmichy buutt thats what you're going for so thats what would make the image more alive and interesting.

  4. Hi Locrin

    Not sure if it is working. Your concept is not evident...just looks like she's cleaning off a burger that was stuck to the pan. Also, why would we clean things with it? The logic does not seem sound. Why don't we use them as chairs or wear them as hats?

