Tuesday 31 January 2012

Christine Johnston -Mc blend consiting of a whole happy meal!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lighting looks great!
    - Alycia

  3. Oh that's so gross! Did you actually blend a happymeal? Anyway, nice concept. I think I would like more on the bottom of the image, or even have more of the girl. Just don't make the crop as tight.

    - Lucy Lu

  4. I think this too as well. I'm not sure if its my screen or the very early hour that I am writing this comment at but her arm (where her like bicep/shoulder is) looks really really yellow. Also,try a different background? like reshooting in a kitchen or with a wallpapered background or something like that? Just a suggestion.

    - Jordynn Colosi

  5. Really like your concept here! I'm just being a bit distracted by the different qualities and colours of light here. It looks like you shot using both your on camera flash and a hot light?, correct me if I'm wrong here. I also agree that the background could be improved on by giving it some context. Anyways, gross, but cool idea! I hope someone tasted that just to see how bad it would taste..

    -Matt Waples

  6. Nice, Christine! Holy gross, Batman. Yeah, I agree about the yellowness, and I think giving a more contextual background would work great!
    -Katii Capern

  7. Christine

    I think if the concept is based on the drink...a mixing of a happy meal, that has to be more evident. Right now it just looks like a milk shake with pickles. And I'm not sure why the mixing together of a happy meal would be much grosser than just eating a happy meal? And why is the model so sexy about it? There are some disparities there. I also agree with the issues in regards to lighting.

