Sunday 22 January 2012

Giordana Vescio - Fast Food

So I would love some feedback on

A) what I could fix/change
B) which one you guys prefer

Thanks in advance :)
Giordana Vescio


  1. I enjoy the concept. I feel the second one is cleaner and has more impact as a result. I think the composition lends itself to be shot from a bit more of a downward facing angle, not too much though that you start to loose the burger 'legs' and patty detail. The biggest thing for me is the lighting, I find the shadows distracting. I view this image as a study on the relation of the objects to each other and their interaction, for me the shadows distract from this relationship, maybe try a larger, softer light source?

    My thoughts :) Definitely keep working to tweak it, there is a solid concept here.

    -Tyler Webb

  2. cool idea, maybe try to have it a little less busy. With the first photograph, i find the overlapping of the ketchup bugs and the cut cup a bit distracting. I like how the second one is a little more tidy.
    other than that, cool idea.
    -Meabh Mc Grory

  3. The horizon line through both pieces bothers me, I think it would work better on a seamless background. Also, I think that the first image is too cluttered, though the ketchup bugs do read better in it than the other one. A higher angle of view could help to clarify what's going on. Good start though.

    -Locrin Stewart

  4. I think the second one composition wise is definitely better. I agree with trying a higher angle. I'd like to see the second one perhaps brighter, and cleaner like the first one. Funny concept, it's cute.

    - Lucy Lu

  5. I, sadly, have to disagree with the previous comments. I, personal, hate clutter. HOWEVER, because you are creating "monsters" so to speak I feel like monsters wouldn't be so prim and proper but they would be intermingled amongst each other (Like the ketchup bug and the french fries). I like the positioning of the fries in the second one better then the first and agree with Locrin in trying a different vantage point so we can see the details of the creations better. Also, I like the movement implied by the first picture that I feel is lackin the second one. I would try to take differnet elements from both of images and play around with it.

  6. Sorry forgot to sign my name on the last one! - Jordynn the one jsut above this, yeah, that one. That's me :) Sorry!

    - Jordynn Colosi
    - Jordynn Colosi

    Sign it twice for good measure:)

  7. Geo

    I like your idea. If your asking, here is what I see, I really hate critiquing btw. I like the first one, the combo it works, however it would be good to see some dimension. As in Alex's class how he said foreground, mid and background. The white background i don't think works its plain and not you (but you already know that), you do more production based worked. i'm sure that you will come up with some awesome.
