Sunday 4 March 2012

Alex Haney- Theme #3 High School

I really didn't want to share this as I'm definitely not done with it, but I'm already late and figured we won't always be able to show our finished product right? I was only able to take three shots on the Branksome property before I was kicked off by security haha. My intention with this photograph is to capture the awkwardness at being gender variant going to an all girls private school. I definitely think I can go further with this concept and introduce more narrative into the situation. I have a few other ideas in my head. I might try either doing a better portrait that is more psychological, or something more staged involving other people.


  1. I love your idea, and I think you should stray away from a basic portrait, and keep with the whole idea of having the school in the shot.

    good job
    Kailee Mandel

  2. Yeah I definitely don't want to just make a portrait without context. I might reshoot something similar to this, or take it elsewhere. This negative was totally messed because the film was so curly I couldn't get it spooled properly, and there is also some camera shake because of the wind.
    Another idea I have is to shoot headshots of myself and 3-5 girls and assemble it like a yearbook.
    Or stage some kind of actual high school scene. Not sure yet.
    -alex h

  3. Are you holding a super long cable release? Badass.

  4. Yep. Its a 30 foot long air powered bulb release.
    -alex h

  5. I love It! Very August Sanders (one of my favorites) with a modern narrative. I thought of suggesting maybe using a timer instead of having a cable release which I feel is anchoring you down in the shot. But then I thought It also adds a visual/literal connection between the camera and photographer because its a self-portrait. So it's great as it is! - Joseph Hammond

  6. Thanks Joseph!
    I would use a timer but this is shot using my mamiya rb67, which doesn't really have a timer accessory and there's no way I'm trading it in for a different medium format that has one because this camera is my baby!
    Plus yeah, I kind of like the aesthetic of having the release there personally.
    -alex h.

  7. I actually think this works on many levels, the entire idea of the school and you (and BTW you look uber pissed in the shot, I think even the back story of you getting booted by rental cops is funny and well its awesome to the story line!i think that's what made it for me even more.
