Sunday 11 March 2012

Lucy Lu - Theme 4: Cosmos

HEY. So I wanted to recreate aspects of the universe with fabric and other materials. A lot of what we know about the "cosmos" has to be an extrapolation. Due to the sheer size and complicated nature of everything, it's hard for us to wrap our minds around what a particular planet, star, or galaxy is actually like. The first photo is supposed to be a planet against the sun. I wanted to capture the silhouette to emphasize how small, and lonely a planet can be compared to the sun. (and realistically earth is much much much smaller) We often forget that the sun and earth don't exist for us but are spectacular, individual entities with "lives" of their own. The second photo is my interpretation of the creation of the universe. I feel as if all the contents of the universe has been somehow harmoniously, and beautifully tossed, dispersed, and suspended. Space and time itself are theoretically much like a stretch of fabric, not as abstract as we usually think it is. 

Let me know your thoughts, thanks!


  1. Lucky Lucy! :O)

    hey Well i get your idea and well the first one i totally wouldn't get if it wasn't named. However I do love the second one its brilliant, and well played! I love those lines and colors! the entire play of light and dark's with vibrant colors just got me!

  2. Lucy, the second one is incredible. The flow and movement really encompasses the feeling of being lost in translation (any bill murray fans?.) Dreamy, spacey, everything is right in it.


  3. The second image is really beautiful. I really don't have much to say about it. You could try to tone down the orange in just one of the fabric..things? or play with the opacity but I seriously really love it how it is.

    - Jordynn Colosi

  4. Wonderful job, Lucy! The second photo is my favourite, though...very Tree of Life :)
    -Katii C

  5. Also, I think I'd like the orange fabric to be more...gauzy, not quite sure of the right word - just to have it blend in a LITTLE more with the dreaminess of the overall image. Love it.

  6. thanks for the comments everyone, I think I'll go with the second one then.
