Wednesday 28 March 2012

Fern Kachuck, Theme #5, Novelty

Joel (aka dad), is a tad bit of a collector. Sindi (aka mom), is so not a fan. So most of it is concentrated to our basement. Joel is a mixture of a GIANT Beatles fan (which rubbed off on me), a Trekkie, aaand just kinda weird and likes weird nerdy things. He's a cutie though. But basically my basement is covered in novelty items one could say?
I wanna try and reshoot it as a panorama. I just would need to clean the basement for that.. But then you would get to see the coke machine and the pictures all over the wall.
Thoughts though about anything else? I'm not in love.. comment away y'all.


  1. but on a more serious note, definitely try the panorama... your basement needs a clean anyways ;)
    cool concept for sure, i would just tone it down a bit with the brightness & contrast since there are so many colours to look at.

  2. try to pull back, you cut out the instruments and some weird stuff at the sides not sure what it is, also if you shot straight on rather than shot down (ish?) then it would be sweet!

    good job

  3. I agree with Kailee, shooting straight on rather than down! Even try shooting sitting on the ground? - ABby

  4. I love the idea of the panorama ! I think that if you took 3/4 images and made them all one big pic, oorr used a nice big wide-angle it would definitely by the cherry on top. Great idea!


  5. Agree with everyone, it might also be nice to just see more of... everything. Shooting from a lower angle, pulling back a little, and taking a few more images as a panorama. It could really work if we saw MORE, as then we'd be seeing the collections as a whole, instead of being distracted by smaller details.
    ps. National Post alc ? wayyy too classy

    Becky Turner

  6. agree with everyone as well!! i think straight on is best as I think odd perspectives will take away from appreciating all the items that are so unique in the image, and thats all I want to focus on (not the angles, etc. of view). I also agree on the pulling back to get all of the instruments, maybe even a little bit of floor in front of them and definitely try the panorama! agree with alison - contrast/brightness could be pulled back a tad again so as not to detract from all the totally cool elements. great idea :)

  7. I agree with everyone Fern! Shoot straight on and fix any lens distortions in photoshop! :) I also find everything a little busy and much to look at... maybe if you organized everything by colour it might be easier to look at? ... also is that your dads cabbage patch kid? lol
