Friday 30 March 2012


Shot a roll of 120 with my Holga... when I processed I ended up with about 2.5 succesful images and the rest completely light leaks. I really liked these two together... let me know which way you guys think is more succesful! Thanks!


  1. I like the first option, simply because the numbers are centred and legible and I find that when I'm looking at art, it's better to start with what I understand and then begin to drift from it. That may sound weird, but like, it works haha.
    Love how flaws and leaks can become a new success!
    Becky Turner

  2. i prefer the second one because i feel the shape of the light leaks at the bottom of the top image, and the top of the bottom image, look almost like they continue - almost like it's one shot cut into two. But they're both pretty cool :) you've now got a 1-1 tie so maybe someone will jump in and break it. Alex G

  3. i"m definitely liking the first one better! Giordana
