Monday 26 March 2012

Novelty - Jessica Benoit


  1. I really like the composition of the photo! If you did som vignetting to the photo I would tone it done just a little bit, if not I would still try to lighten the top right corner I find it a little distracting! - Abby

  2. With such a commonly seen subject matter, it would be great to be able to see it in a different light. For example, on a low shutter speed, with the chair making a ful circle ($1 investment haha). I'm afraid that without anything 'new' to it, it'll just look like a snapshot when printed large scale.

    Becky Turner

  3. I really like this and wouldn't change it. It has a certain sad bleakness of something that was once new and exciting. I would just work on the weird vignette on the top right corner like Abby said.

    - Jordynn Colosi
