Wednesday 28 March 2012

Kailee Mandel Theme 5-Novelty

The Great Mysterion


  1. ...For some reason, I really wanna meet this guy.

    That aside, this is an interesting portrait of him. I especially like all the detail in the action figures/wrestler figures, and how the shelves of them all point into him. It really brings your eye into the composition.

    Only thing, it might just be a touch too warm. But thats just being picky.

    Nice shot,


  2. I feel like this could've been really cheesy, but with the angle you chose and what he's wearing as well as his pose, I think all in all you pulled it off


    Also, I disagree with matt, i like the warmth

  3. Yea this guy is quit a character
    he reads minds or so he says
    the whole time I was shooting him I was super paranoid that he was reading my mind!
    weird stuff
    thanks for the tips though!

  4. I agree with the touch too warm, also maybe do some lens correction if you haven't already, the shelves look a little like they're leaning in towards the center

  5. For this image, I feel as though the warmth works - the red tones are natural in this scene so it suites it. Lens correction might be a good thing to check out though, as when looking closer you can see the objects on the left and right edges are being pulled and distorted quite a bit. Seems like quite the character !

    Becky Turner

  6. Its too warm in the walls. Other than that its awesome. I agree with Kristi about the shelves.

    - Jordynn Colosi
