Monday 12 March 2012

Cosmos Theme - Kristina Smith

So I have 3 photos, I'm not exactly sure which one to choose ..

If anyone could let me know which of the 3 they do/don't like I'd appreciate it !


1)  Here's my train of thought for this one : Cosmos->universe->stars->(then I was at a    cemetery last weekend and it reminded me of stars and the universe)->cemetery

This photo is a composite of 14 photos that I put together, because this was a giant tree .
Not sure if it really fits the theme though .

2)  Idea: space age / futuristic leader portrait .

3)  crazy (kind of creepy) alien / space creature caught in the light / the unknown / an unknown creature .

Thanks ! 



  1. I like the last one the best! its very alien like! I would however like to see it a bit less blurred! but the colours are pretty sweet

    good job

  2. Yeah, I definitely love the third image. I would up the colours a bit to make them really jump at you but it looks really great this way as well that's just a thing you could try and see if you like or not. Good job!

    - Jordynn Colosi

  3. i like the first and last photos. both equally haunting. maybe try blurring the edges around your face on the third to make it a little more ethereal?

  4. I agree with Kailee, love the last one! It is very mysterious but it would definitely look best if your face was a bit more noticeable. Love the colours though, it looks very soft which is really nice!

    - Alycia

  5. I also agree- the last is my favourite! So creepycool :) I think you should make your face stand out a bit more in it, too. Good job on all three!
    -Katii C
