Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Cosmos - Matt Waples

EDIT: I added my 9 "cuts", as well as some other scans.
Final Set

This is a set of 9 selects from a series of 20 destroyed Fuji Instax film. Each image was put through its own "destruction" using anything around me when I took the photo.  (e.g. stomped, burned, wrinkled, punched, bent, chilled, etc)

Cut Images

Closer Scans

Not 100% sure what this has to do with Cosmos though...


  1. I like that you admit not totally knowing what it has to do with cosmos haha. How about how everything in our ever expanding universe is a product of battered matter, burned, chilled and wrinkled over the course of space time and time space? You can use that if you want.

  2. They're related to cosmos because they're out of this world?

    Because we can, I just want to let you know I love this (worthy of a comment from another section-er baha). The results are interesting and highly intriguing, because it makes you stop and look closely to see what the original photograph was. The destruction adds a perfect texture that is organic and raw.


  3. Matt- I realized this after I shot them all.. That was somewhat along the lines of what I was gonna write about; I'll figure something out to say for the final crit.

    Carrie- Thanks so much!! My favorite "accident" that happened was the texture from the wrinkles in the scan!

    I have another set of 9 I'm gonna scan and upload tonight or tomorrow.

  4. these are beautiful!!! - Giordana
    (I know this is not useful or anything, but great job lol)
