Thursday 29 March 2012

Giordana Vescio - Fast Food Redo

Self explanatory ... just read the label on the right if you're confused.  


  1. I'm not sure if the warning on the packet needs to be so apparent, though I do like the use of the slogan. Have you thought about doing it so that both the slogan and fries are visible in the same shot?
    As Kurt Vonnegut said of Pall Malls: "A classy way to commit suicide"

    -Locrin Stewart

  2. I like where you are going with this idea, but I agree with Locrin's comments.

  3. Yeah i have a shot of the whole package, but the message isn't really noticeable when there's more in the pic. I'll post it though

  4. I personally like the warning, every single cigarette package is polluted with them now and it helps me identify the cigarette box... I think if tried to find a warning that could apply to fast food as well that might be better? I like the top one best!, but not so much a fan of the black on either side of "come to where the flavour is"

  5. In post, would it be possible to move the slogan that you have on the right side of your first image, onto the pack seen on the left side? I know it that would clearly be altering reality, but it could produce a stronger subject. Beyond that, I really like the first shot as it is more dynamic than just a strait-on product shot.
    Love the harsh-on-soft colour palette !

    Becky Turner

  6. I like the dynamism of the first shot - but the cut off fry bugs me SO much. I think if you just pull back on that shot in the first composition, and then zoom in on the label with the slogan and have less black (but still uneven amounts - because I like that its not even black either side!) but zoom in so that there is less black altogether, it would be better stronger. Hope that's clear to understand? :S
