Tuesday 27 March 2012

Theme #5: Novelty - Alycia Kosonic

Hey all, so here's my photo.
I have another idea in mind that I want to try out but this is what I have for now. I came across this store on Church Street that just sells a bunch of novelty junk. Thought it was kind of interesting because you don't really see stores like this around much but also made me wonder who even buys anything from  here because its all garbage! Haha :P
Unfortunately I only had black & white film on me at the time and I am thinking it would look better in colour so I am going to try that too but anyways this is it for now. Feedback is appreciated as usual :)


  1. I really like this idea, I would maybe try shooting from straight on though rather than the angle. But if you have another idea, eager to see what you have coming! - Abby

  2. I know this place, I pass it almost everyday and it's weird how it never seems to change. All these items are essentially useless nowadays with technology and all. It will definitely look wicked in colour. I agree about playing with the angle a bit more, and I would suggest pulling back. This is all granted that you bother sticking with this place/idea rather than the other you speak of.

  3. i think you should feature more of the windows rather then have the focus lead up to the door, there's so much to look at in the windows so i think that would grab the viewer more. yeah i'm curious to see what it would look like in colour too definitely think it would be better! great idea though, cool shop!

  4. This subject definitely has great potential, full of not only trinkets, but history as well. I'd try moving a little closer as Alison said, and featuring more of what you see inside. A shot that exhibits both the insides of one window as well as the entrance door could potentially provide a really strong contrast between textures and depths.

    Becky Turner
