Wednesday 28 March 2012

Alison Irwin, Novelty

Original at top, crop at the bottom but different placement. Thoughts? Also have the yellow van for novelty too so let me know what you think.


  1. I like the clutterness of it, but its almost too random to be possible ya know? like the items are just almost thrown on there and have no cohesiveness


  2. I think it might work better with a crop or different picture of just the top half (where the watch is and the journal) I really like the watch hanging down and the earth tones the image would have if it were cropped or composed to only have the top part included

  3. I agree with Kristi, I feel like the composition is very tight and needs to be reworked a bit. Maybe have more things hanging like the watch?

    - Jordynn Colosi

  4. Agree with Kristi on this one, I think less items would be more successful. Really enjoy the brown and green

  5. I think putting a few more items in the top might help the image out. I just feel like its looking a little too perfect with the watch and book placed how they are. Looking good so far though!


  6. I think putting a few more items in the top might help the image out. I just feel like its looking a little too perfect with the watch and book placed how they are. Looking good so far though!

