Sunday 11 March 2012

Geo Romolo - High School Sucked

High school was so long ago for me. it's hard to relate to everything now a days looking back then. The school system sucked. going to a catholic school for me was the biggest joke out there. I remember it as  black and white in my mind. all dirty and gritty. tolerance of others and acceptance  was not even heard of. Hate and fear mongering was instructed by the evil bastards I look back at. The jocks were loved and well arts was considered a nerd not cool geek thing as its seen nowadays. I picture myself exploring my old abandoned high school some day and having a great moment of or relief. Bullied for who I am back then still carries the scars, at least I didn't end up working in a warehouse and doing crack cocaine after graduating, no I dropped out and got my own life. I was going for a old postcard look from my old days working in the school year book. Yea I was a nerd back then too. 

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