Saturday 31 March 2012

Amanda Woolley, Theme #5 - Novelty

So here are all my novelty photos. They are all novelty candy... including the moustache. The film is chocolate I hope it's noticeable in the photos. Anyways let me know which one is your favourite and feedback on any would be great, thanks! 
-Amanda Woolley


  1. I like the second one the most, with the chocolate film in the camera, but because it has writing on it, I'm slightly bothered by the fact that the writing isn't sharply in focus. That could just be me though.

    -Locrin Stewart

  2. The lighting in the first one is really nice, although I don't like the concept as much, its a really nice photo, I agree with Locrin, The second image I like the best but its oddly framed and a bit blurred, maybe try to re-shoot it a bit more straight on and not as tightly cropped

    -Kailee Mandel

  3. Oh yum! I agree with both Locrin and Kailee. I like the context of the second two a lot better... I feel if you stuck to one of the bottom two or found a way to implement all three in one photograph. Good find!

  4. I like the third one the most but I think it may have been stronger if you had one of the chocolates unwrapped to make it a little more obvious. Maybe try keeping the empty wrapper in as well? Great idea though!

  5. Thanks everyone! I agree with everything being said and I am actually reshooting today!! :)
