Saturday, 31 March 2012

Amanda Woolley, Theme #5 - Novelty

So here are all my novelty photos. They are all novelty candy... including the moustache. The film is chocolate I hope it's noticeable in the photos. Anyways let me know which one is your favourite and feedback on any would be great, thanks! 
-Amanda Woolley


Hey all, so heres an update on my shoot.  I must admit I liked seeing multiple shots laid out vertically when I last posted them on the blog.  So I'm thinking of using that sort of layout for my final presentation.  I will probably experiment with horizontal as well as vertical diptych, maybe even try 3 images.  We'll see.  Let me know which empty bed you like the most.  I actually think I enjoyed shooting an empty bed way too much..but it was just so weird to see it from such unusual angles.  I'm going to include at least one more shot similar to the first one in my first post only I won't have the book and tea, and the colour palette/white balance will be more along these lines.  Let me know what you think! Thanks guys

Kailee Mandel Family Take 2

So I re-shot the family, I made minor edits, and put a cropped and un cropped version, hopefully its better then my original! as well as an image from my original shoot, let me know what you guys think!

Friday, 30 March 2012

Rebecca Turner - Novelty

Novelty, in my mind, could only be connected to novelty toys. The toys you once pulled from the magic chest at Swiss Chalet, or received from that strange neighbour on your street on Halloween night. To me these toys had no use or value, but had such meaning at the time. They were unique and different and that was all that was cool about them; just like the doll in this image. I had to have this voodoo doll, absolutely had to have it. But it's useless! It's kind of too cute to stab, and yeah, I did rip it's heart off a while back but... it's still just a stupid useless toy...
(probably going to reshoot, but I loved the light and couldn't not take the shot)


Shot a roll of 120 with my Holga... when I processed I ended up with about 2.5 succesful images and the rest completely light leaks. I really liked these two together... let me know which way you guys think is more succesful! Thanks!

Matthew Volpe - nov·el·ty


[nov-uhl-tee] Show IPA noun, plural -ties, adjective
1. State or quality of being novel,  new, or unique; newness.

Locrin Stewart—Novelty Re-edit

Here's the re-edit of my novelty. I adjusted my tone curve, made the paper whiter (actually brought some true whites into it), straightened it out and cleaned up a wee bit of dust from the table (may not have been visible in the first image I posted, but I noticed it).

Additional thoughts?

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Giordana Vescio - Fast Food Redo

Self explanatory ... just read the label on the right if you're confused.  

Matt Waples - Novelty

Danzing (born April 1st, 1977), is an american born electronic musician residing in Key West, Florida, best known for his only hit single, Devil Inzide, released April 20th, 1997. Devil Inzide accelerated to the top of the charts in less than a week, making it one of the most popular songs in the Spring/Summer of 1997.

Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, Danzing detested the dominating Hip-Hop culture in is hometown, and set out for what he considered to be the epicentre of music; Key West, Florida. This is where he opened his first studio and record label, Deez Beatz Records. With Danzings slight recent success, he planned collaborations with several key artists of the time including: Michael Jackson, The Backstreet Boys, and Robyn Cumming. However, on several accounts, potential collaborating artists described Danzings talents and creativity as mediocre at best, and consider him to be “ridiculous”.

Since Devil Inzide, Danzing has released select singles, all without any success or notice. Yet another is added to the list of one hit wonders.

Pronunciation: DôN·zinG

Hayley Buckham - Theme five - Novelty

Hey yall, sooo this is my novelty. Besides the fact that i'm terrified of it because my dad used to chase me around with it when i was child, it is the skin of a wolf that my great great grandpa shot and skinned back in his day. I hate touching it and it's pretty gnarly but when the word novelty came about this came to mind. My dads had it since he was little and although it creeps the hell outta me its a great novelty that will remain in the corner of my dads closet. In a bag. Far far away from me. at all times. THOUGHTS? 

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Kailee Mandel Theme 5-Novelty

The Great Mysterion

Fern Kachuck, Theme #5, Novelty

Joel (aka dad), is a tad bit of a collector. Sindi (aka mom), is so not a fan. So most of it is concentrated to our basement. Joel is a mixture of a GIANT Beatles fan (which rubbed off on me), a Trekkie, aaand just kinda weird and likes weird nerdy things. He's a cutie though. But basically my basement is covered in novelty items one could say?
I wanna try and reshoot it as a panorama. I just would need to clean the basement for that.. But then you would get to see the coke machine and the pictures all over the wall.
Thoughts though about anything else? I'm not in love.. comment away y'all.

Alison Irwin, Novelty

Original at top, crop at the bottom but different placement. Thoughts? Also have the yellow van for novelty too so let me know what you think.

Locrin Stewart - Novelty

Hey Class,

So for novelty, I also found the definition that it is anything new (as Alex talked about in her post about tea), but interpreted it quite differently. In my opinion, it's almost impossible to create something in art in general that is truly new, or has never been seen before. The image I created was my response to that. I partake in calligraphy, but, like pictures, it, too is limited to the confines of the letters, much like how photography is limited to what is in our surroundings, and what has come before.
The letters themselves are not perfect intentionally, because, in my opinion, the imperfections are one of the key aspects that differentiate images from one another, the small accidents.

I have a couple other pictures, and am considering straightening this one properly, but I think that the slightly off-kilter look to it adds to the "accident" kind of thing I mentioned earlier.

Feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Theme #5: Novelty - Alycia Kosonic

Hey all, so here's my photo.
I have another idea in mind that I want to try out but this is what I have for now. I came across this store on Church Street that just sells a bunch of novelty junk. Thought it was kind of interesting because you don't really see stores like this around much but also made me wonder who even buys anything from  here because its all garbage! Haha :P
Unfortunately I only had black & white film on me at the time and I am thinking it would look better in colour so I am going to try that too but anyways this is it for now. Feedback is appreciated as usual :)

Kristina Smith - Novelty

For me, a novelty is something that you have and don't often use, something you have mostly for the sake of having.

I got this toy in elementary school, and it was the coolest thing.  

If anyone doesn't recognize or know what it is, it's this balancing bird toy that balances on it's beak. 

Comments welcome .

Katii Capern - Theme #5 - Novelty

Ideas always welcome (I've got some ideas I want to work with to make this better as well)! :)

Yurisa Clarke Novelty


I think of novelty as a form of small amusement that can be represented by a trinket-like object. I decided on the use rings because of there lack of purpose, only to be used for there looks. I played with the levels and lighting so let me know your thoughts!

Alex Haney- Novelty



I went to Shopper's this evening to get new scrubby things with which to wash dishes (found out they are called scouring pads) and then I walked up an down the aisles taking pictures of any product that said it was "NEW AND IMPROVED". I threw them all together in Photoshop and then blurred the pants off of them because they all looked gross. The result is Photo #1. I naively thought I might be able to reverse the blurring process by sharpening everything to the same degree. This didn't work - Photo #2 ensued. I like it because it reminds of an airport luggage scanner.

Photo #1

Photo #2


I was going to call it "Fuck America" but don't want anyone to think I hate the U.S.
                                                                                            ~ Giordana Vescio ~

Joseph Hammond - Cosmo- Theme 4

My friend Rebecca is a really great stylist friend of mine.
I gave her the theme Cosmo and this is the look she made for me. 

Lucy Lu - Theme 5: Novelty

What makes something a novelty is ultimately subjective. Personalize or change something and present it in the right way and it becomes novel.

What do you think, less or more?

Abby Klages - Family - Theme 2

He was only about 6 hours old at this point.
Let me know if you like this better than my previous two photos.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Alex Gooding - Theme # 5 Novelty

hey all.
so I don't know about you guys..but this theme had me pretty much totally stumped.  and for the last few weeks I've literally just been thinking "novel" + "tea" = novelty :)   But just to see if it would help I google dictionaries 'novelty'. Results? (one) is "state or quality of being novel, new or unique; newness" (relative) synonyms: uniqueness.  This combined with 'novel-tea' gave me my idea while I was laying in bed a night with a novel..and a cup of tea - something that, ironically, is not at all unique to me as I tend to do this almost every night.  I planned to shoot the next day and here's what I got.  Let me know what you think.  I tried to coordinate the top to the pink in the bed sheets so that it was all a sort of calm atmosphere, with no crazy bright colours except perhaps on the novel's cover.

I had an outtake where I accidentally shot before I was back in bed, but I sort of liked the shot when I saw it on my computer.  I also sort of like how they're not placed front and centre.  It being an outtake they sorta were just where they were naturally.  If people do like this one more and feel I should reshoot to capture more of the objects, I will definitely consider.

That's enough blurb from me.  let me know what you think please! :)

Novelty - Jessica Benoit

Alison Irwin, Fast Food Redo

Here is a completely different concept for my Fast Food shot. This is a place in Stratford that has been around forever, just wanted to capture how old school it was since a lot of people now a days are so caught up in the mainstream names like McDonald's & such. This brings is back to the roots of just enjoying quality fast food with the family & friends outside. Let me know what you think!

Jessica Benoit - Fast Food Re Shoot

Erich Deleeuw - Cosmos.jpg

Unfortunately because of light pollution, I see the stars of my screensaver and computer desktop more often then outside. With that in mind i wanted to draw on the irony of using my computer itself  capture the image. 

Taken with Finder in natural light, post-processed with TextEdit.

Amber Hartin - Theme 1 - Fast Food - Update

So here is my updated version of fast food. Basically just with more images to better emphasize the idea.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Abby Klages - Theme 1 - Fast Food (Take 2)

Here is a different concept than my last one. It was noted that my colours may have been to saturated on my first picture, so I have tried to keep the colours as natural as possible. I am not too sure how I feel about the photo but I am gonna give it a go.

Here is my old one, I adjusted the colours on it. I still like this one a lot more but I need to know people's opinions one which one!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Kailee Mandel Fast Food take 2

Totally unedited as per usual, let me know what you think and which one you like best
