Friday 24 February 2012

Alison Irwin, Theme 3, High School

For my high school shot I wanted to capture what everyone thinks high school is like BEFORE they go into it. We all think of the 80s movies Ferris Bueller or Grease etc. The cliche head cheerleader dates the captain of the football team and "it's the best four years of your life!" (where in reality high school is so far from that, it's full of bull shit drama & everyone's in their own little bubble, am i right?). She's wearing a cheerleading uniform with "her boyfriends" team jacket, bubble gum & scrunchie to complete the teeny bopper look like in those movies. This picture is a little desaturated since it's suppose to look older. Let me know what you think!


  1. I really like this idea! The one thing I would say is the background with those pictures is a little distracting, I don't really know what they are. Maybe a brick background or even in a high school hall way as a background? But other than that! COOL :)

  2. ^ Totally agree, because we are only seeing cut off bits of the background, it can be a little distracting. Definitely putting your subject before a more related scene could do wonders.
    Otherwise totally love the idea and the use of the less saturated colouring!
    Becky Turner

  3. Definitely agree with the comments above. I think the lighting works great here for what you're trying to get across, has a sort of class picture but almost snapshot feel which works well. Just work on the background/location and it will look fantastic.

  4. I like the picture but I think if you toned down your flash or moved her away from the wall, then you wouldn't get such a harsh shadow, which i find a bit distracting
    cool tho

    Kailee Mandel
