Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Victoria Rigo - High school

Just trying to get across how apathetic or disinterested students can become once thrown into monotonous classroom routines - any criticism is appreciated! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Its a very simple idea but the photos look great! Good job :)

    - Alycia

  3. I think the black clothing the subjects are wearing really works with your idea of disinterest .
    I also like the fact that you chose to put two pictures together as a diptych, I think it makes the idea really strong .
    The fact that the guy isn't looking at the camera is great because it really shows disinterest AND I think the bored look on the girls face also shows this just as well, so I think it works well .

  4. I agree with everything said above! You really captured spot-on how bored some people get in class haha!

  5. Hi Victoria

    This idea relies on having MANY images. You would have to take more for it to really work.

