Wednesday 29 February 2012

Kailee Mandel-Highschool Theme #3

Hope this explains itself.... Tried a few with flash, you may see a slight difference, but ya, not to much editing, or cropping done yet, let me know what ya think!


  1. I REALLY like the first crop. The only thing that confuses me is "pool entrance". This may be silly to photoshop in, but something like a "no smoking" sign might be interesting. Anyway, the others look pretty good as well, but I'd like to see them with a similar crop as the first one.

    - L.

  2. I'd say that the last one is the strongest because of the expressions on the subjects faces . It kind of reminds me of a fashion style shot, which I like.

  3. the first ones crop is the best but the last one has the best subject matter in terms of how the girls are posed. i love these haha
    -hayley buckham

  4. the las two were cropped tight on the computer, they all have the framing of the first one, just wanted to see what people thought was better! :)

  5. yesss i love the third one but with the crop of the first! and yeah the pool entrance confuses me as well, i think photoshopping a no smoking sign would be just great! LOVE IT LOVE YOU
