Monday 13 February 2012

Fern Kachuck - Theme #2, Family

In the end, I'm actually extremely happy with how this shot turned out. It's exactly what I pictured in my head, and so it was great to see it come out the way I wanted it to. The table is set for a Friday night dinner, which we usually have at my grandparents, and thats usually the way the lighting is, I really wanted it to be the reality of what is for our family. I did have other shots, some landscape and some closer, but they either showed too much of the house or didn't show enough of the loneliness and emptiness of the table.

Pretty much, the woman in the picture is my grandmother, or Bubby as I call her in Yiddish. Its a comment on the lack or the absence of family, at least on my mom's side. My great grandfather was one of 24 siblings, my great grandmother one of 11, and as far as we know, most didn't survive the holocaust. My grandmother still tries to find family, we've recently found new cousins, but there's still an extreme void. Hence all the emptiness at the table, and the tipped over wine glass and the one candle not lit.

Even though I'm happy with it, if you have any suggestions, mostly just stuff I might need to edit, then by all means, comment away, but I like how it turned out and won't reshoot or change lighting or mood or anything.

Just incase any of you were bored and felt like reading a novel.... K bye!


  1. I love the emptiness at the tables, and the expression of your grandmother. I think you could shoot it from a more elevated perspective...maybe, you could try it, it's not something you have to fix. But anyway, the chandelier is way too hot and is distracting. I would try to direct the light more on your grandmother, i really think her expression is wonderful. Good start.

    - Lucy

  2. The only thing I would edit a bit is the colour balance, it just looks a little bit too yellow right now . Otherwise I really like this !

  3. Fern, I was going to say the same things as Lucy and Kristi. I would fix the colour balance, maybe try to clone out the glare in the picture in the background, and if you are going to reshoot I would try to light your grandmother seperately with a speedlight or something. Also I don't know what it is but I'm finding that red thing distracting (a platter?).
    -alex h

  4. Fern

    The back of the image is underexposed and there are colour balance issues overall. The framing is not great with so much foreground emphasis on the table and having those glasses so close. Removing the glasses closer to the lens would have helped. The most interesting juxtaposition is your grandmother against that image behind her.

