Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Victoria Rigo - Fast Food

Alright so here are a couple of my shots! I'm having trouble picking between the two. Just trying to get the idea across that most of us don’t really know what we’re eating when we dig into some fast food; kind of a willful blindness thing going on. 
Originally I’d wanted to shoot this at a fast food restaurant and I’m thinking if I reshoot it’ll probably be there, so lemme know what you think? 


  1. I like the background on the first image the best, but the burger and the front of the subject are too dark. Maybe try focusing on those areas?
    - Jordynn Colosi

  2. I definitely like the first one the best. I think it might be interesting and get your concept across more if you went less literal, and had him eating something totally digusting and inedible though, like a bun filled with worms haha. Thoughts?
    -alex haney

  3. Hmm, I agree with everyone else, i like the background on the first image more, however the lighting isn't quite doing it for me. I like how evenly lit his face is on the second, a combo of both would nail it in my opinion!

  4. Victoria

    I think this would benefit from being shot on location....not sure a studio setting makes sense for the image. I also feel as though it needs more in terms of concept....without your explanation the idea does not carry that well.

