Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Theme #1: Fast Food - Graeme Wahn

Rather than digging deep into the realm of fast food philosophy I present to you a simple study of the ideal versus the real. The top image is pulled from a McDonald's advertisement for their flagship burger, the Big Mac. The bottom image is the Big Mac that I received when I ordered one, straight out of the box. Which would you prefer?

I've seen comparisons similar to this floating around the internet, and I figured this was a perfect opportunity to look into it myself.

Lemme know what you think.


*Note I did not take the top image, I pulled it off the internet.


  1. The bottom one looks more appetizing. Is that bad? I like the idea. Feather your pixels a bit more when you close crop. Regarding the image you took, it would be nice to see white between the lettuce and the border on the left.

  2. Ever tried doing a more side by side comparison? I know, I know, it may look a little wonky becuase their both landscape (Do you have any portrait?) I'm only suggesting it because I just want to stare at the perfect good one that was from the internet and I lose the actual one that you took. Especially with it being on top I feel like that dominates the work. I like the concept though.

    - Jordynn Colosi

  3. You did a great job of mimicking the advert! Omg matt... lol. I personally like them one on top of the other like this.

    -Alex Haney

  4. Great job with the mimic, and I really like your idea! Funny how deceptive food photography can be.
    -Katii Capern

  5. I love love this idea! soooo clever and well executed, got you're message right away
    the simplistic style of your shot works really well. i like the portrait composition, and the black borders!
    good job
    - Kailee Mandel

  6. Graeme

    Is the top shot high res enough to print?

